Since 1943, Arizona Alumni has granted awards to recognize alumni, friends, community leaders, faculty, staff and students for outstanding achievement or distinguished service to the University of Arizona, their communities or their professions. Awards are presented at a special event determined by the nominator and Arizona Alumni.
There are several categories of individual awards. Eligibility is contingent on the specific award. To receive an alumni-only award a nominee must have completed 30 units of credit at the University of Arizona.
The Alumni Advisory Council reviews the nominees for each award and makes the final selection. The Alumni Advisory Council reserves the right to suggest alternate awards based on the nominee’s qualifications.
Upon approval, award recipients are notified via a congratulatory letter from Arizona Alumni. The nominating individual or organization and the affiliated college are sent a copy of the letter.
The Advocacy Award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated extraordinary efforts in promoting education and the needs of the University of Arizona. Preference is given to an alumnus or alumna of the University of Arizona but is not a requirement.
Eligibility: alumni-optional
Form of award: plaque
The Alumni Recognition Award honors individuals for a particular accomplishment.
Eligibility: alumni
Form of award: letter or plaque
The Bear Down Award is given to an individual who has performed noteworthy or meritorious service on behalf of the University of Arizona.
Eligibility: alumni
Form of award: plaque
The Distinguished Citizen Award is given to a person in recognition of extraordinary service to the public or in nonprofit organizations or outstanding volunteer service. Special consideration is given to an individual who has attended the University of Arizona, but it is not a requirement.
Eligibility: alumni-optional
Form of award: plaque
The Extraordinary Faculty Award is presented by the Arizona Alumni to a faculty member who brings honor or distinction to the University of Arizona.
Eligibility: faculty-only
Form of award: plaque
The Global Achievement Award recognizes alumni who have brought honor and credit to the University of Arizona and their profession in the global arena through professional achievement or humanitarian service.
Eligibility: alumni
Form of award: plaque
The Leo B. Hart Humanitarian Award is given for outstanding contributions to social justice and welfare.
The award is named after the late Leo Brown Hart, a UArizona alumnus who recognized the plight of children who had migrated west during the Great Depression. Immortalized in Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, these children were ostracized as “dumb Okies” and turned away from California schools … until Hart stepped forward. He and 50 migrant children built their own school — referred to as the School at Weedpatch Camp — in a nearby field. Hart then recruited teachers who shared his concern for outcast children. Together, they turned the school from a place for outcasts into an overwhelming success. Many children went on to become judges, professors, and business persons.
Eligibility: alumni
Form of award: plaque
The Marvin D. “Swede” Johnson Award for Volunteer Service to Students is given to an individual whose personal involvement with University of Arizona students has enhanced the quality of student life at UArizona. Preference is given to an alumnus or alumna of the university, but is not a requirement.
The award is named in honor of Marvin D. “Swede” Johnson, a long-time loyal alumnus who arrived at the University of Arizona in 1946 from Willcox, Arizona. “Swede” became very involved on campus as president of the State Future Farmers of America, AZ Assoc., Sigma Chi Fraternity and Bobcats, Senior Honorary. He also was on the Livestock Judging Team, a member of Alpha Zeta, national agricultural honorary, Chain Gang, junior honorary and the ASUA Board of Control, overseeing the finances for the University Student Body and their organizations. Graduating with a major in Animal Science in 1950, “Swede” never left the university. He served as a graduate assistant in the Athletic Department, director of the Student Union, president of the Alumni Association and UArizona Vice President of University Relations until 1977. “Swede” personified the spirit of volunteerism and youth through his service to the university as a student, employee and an alumnus. The Alumni Building is named in his honor.
Eligibility: alumni-optional
Form of award: plaque
The Outstanding Young Alumni Volunteer Award is given to an alumnus or alumna who has demonstrated continued interest in and loyalty to the University of Arizona for a minimum of two years. The award will be given to an individual who has been out of school less than 10 years. Particular consideration is given to alumni who have taken the initiative to serve effectively on behalf of UArizona and who have responded to requests for service from the university.
Eligibility: alumni
Form of award: plaque
The Professional Achievement Award is given to a person who has attained prominence in his or her field. Service to the university is not a requirement.
Eligibility: alumni
Form of award: plaque
The Public Service Award recognizes individuals who are present or past holders of public office. Recipients have demonstrated outstanding dedication to the public. Preference is given to an alumnus or alumna of the University of Arizona but is not a requirement. Service to the university is not a requirement.
Eligibility: alumni-optional
Form of award: plaque
The Sidney S. Woods Alumni Service Award is given to an alumnus or alumna who has demonstrated unwavering interest in and loyalty to the University of Arizona for a minimum of 5 years. The award is given to an individual who has been out of school for more than 15 years. Particular consideration is given to alumni who have taken the initiative to serve effectively on behalf of UArizona and who have responded to requests for service from the university.
The award honors the late Sidney S. Woods, a long-time loyal alumnus of the University of Arizona, who graduated in 1939. After a military career as a much decorated ace pilot in World War II, he became prominent in the field of agriculture and also was a member of the Arizona Board of Regents.
Eligibility: alumni
Form of award: plaque
The Slonaker Award is given to an alumnus or alumna who has demonstrated continued interest in and loyalty to the University of Arizona for a minimum of five years. The award is given to an individual who has been out of school less than 15 years. Particular consideration is given to alumni who have taken the initiative to serve effectively on behalf of the university and who also have responded to requests for service from the university. Special consideration will be given to an individual who has received a degree from the university. The award recognizes the late Alter Louis Slonaker, a versatile University of Arizona athlete who lettered four times each in football, basketball, and baseball. He was the graduate manager of athletics from 1922 through 1947 and the dean of men from 1947 through 1963.
Eligibility: alumni
Form of award: plaque
The University of Arizona Veterans Award for Distinguished Service is given to a University of Arizona alumnus or alumna veteran who has made a positive impact on their local, national, international or veteran community, the University of Arizona or through their active military service as defined below.
To be eligible, the nominee must be a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who received an honorable discharge. In general, active service means full-time service, other than active duty for training, as a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or as a commissioned officer of the Public Health Service, the Environmental Science Services Administration or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or its predecessor, the Coast and Geodetic Survey. When submitting the nomination for this award please reference the active full-time military service that qualifies the nominee for this Veterans Award for Distinguished Service.
Eligibility: alumni
Form of Award: plaque
The Wildcat Career Champion Award is given to an individual who has demonstrated extraordinary commitment to furthering the careers of Wildcats through mentoring, hiring or other career-related assistance. Preference is given to a University of Arizona alumnus/a but it is not a requirement. The award will be presented at an Arizona Alumni Association event or another mutually agreed upon venue.
Eligibility: alumni-optional
Form of award: trophy
Time of award: TBD
Number of awards: one per fiscal year (July 1–June 30)
The Young Professional Achievement Award recognizes alumni age 40 and under who have attained prominence in their field.
Eligibility: alumni
Form of award: plaque
Deadlines & Nominations
Visit the Awards Hub for deadlines and nomination guidelines about all Arizona Alumni Awards, including Individual Awards.
Reach out to awards@uafoundation.org if you have any questions or need further information.