Panel Discussion: Gender Equity in Sports

The Fight, The Scars, and the Thrill of Victory

Adia Barnes, Kathryn Bertine, A.J. Mleczko, Sarah Spain, and Kathrine Switzer, moderator Damien Alameda.

Adia Barnes, Kathryn Bertine, A.J. Mleczko, Sarah Spain, and Kathrine Switzer, moderator Damien Alameda.


5 to 6:30 p.m., April 5, 2023
All-Star panel includes Adia Barnes, Kathryn Bertine, A.J. Mleczko, Sarah Spain, and Kathrine Switzer, moderated by Damien Alameda.

The University of Arizona, Center for the Philosophy of Freedom, presents a panel of world-class athletes who made history on and off the field of competition: “Gender Equity in Sports: The Fight, the Scars, and the Thrill of Victory.”

For women who pioneered the fight for gender equity in sports, physical requirements to play paled compared to the strength and determination necessary to confront stereotypes, change the system, and level the playing field. They are women of impact, inspirational leaders who paved the way for others and whose stories carry lessons to help shape a better future.

Panelists will address critical questions during the interactive session:
  • Did you know what you were getting yourself into?
  • Was it worth it?
  • Have we gotten there?
  • What is next?

With raw candor and poignancy, describing the highs and lows, these women will share their journey, detailing how the courage to rise and make change shaped their future and changed their lives. They will assess how far society has come (a long way) and how far it still must go (even further) so that women worldwide have the same opportunities, recognition, and rewards in sports and society.