The "Wildcat for Life" concept was developed by the University of Arizona Alumni Association's Communications Committee at the September 2007 board meeting in an effort to capture the essence of what it means to be alumni of the University of Arizona.
Much of the UAAA's marketing and communications efforts reinforced the notion that the 300,000 UArizona alumni are not just part of the institution; in many respects, alumni are the institution. UArizona is known for its many academic and athletic achievements, but perhaps what strengthens the university’s reputation most of all is the success of its alumni — their contributions to others and to society.
The Wildcat for Life branding and programming initiative begins to tell the story of the complete Wildcat experience: from the time students enter the university, through the middle years when their college experience shapes their lives, to the moment they graduate and officially become alumni of UArizona, they are Wildcats for Life.
At UArizona, a student is considered a Wildcat for Life from the moment they enroll. One enters the University of Arizona as a Wildcat and graduates as a Wildcat for Life. Whatever alumni do and wherever they go, they know that they will always be a vital part of this university.
Being a Wildcat for Life means never losing your connection to the University of Arizona.