Jonathan Katz earned a bachelor’s in education from the University of Arizona in 1981. After beginning his career in the classroom, he opened a niche business that supports the needs of classroom educators. Jonathan’s Educational Resources was established in 1987 and continues to be a leader in the advancement of educators throughout Arizona.
As a former teacher, Jonathan understands that all children have individual needs and learning abilities. For 36 years, his store and online catalog have provided resources to aid in cognitive development, including critical thinking skills, gross and fine motor skills, and social and emotional development for children.
Jonathan has always championed giving back to the educational community, offering professional development, parent engagement and curriculum support workshops. He has welcomed and supported generations of educators, as children who visited with their parents have grown up to become teachers themselves and returned to find up-to-date materials. He also has partnered with Tucson Values Teachers, a nonprofit organization that supports teachers through community collaborations that attract, retain and celebrate teacher excellence.
Jonathan is a dedicated supporter of the College of Education. Since 2015, he has served on its alumni council, where he has connected with former educators, faculty members and students to help raise money for scholarships, discuss the direction of the college and bring together alumni to share in the university’s success. He believes in the adage, “Teachers plant the seeds of knowledge that last a lifetime.”