Take this quiz to find out — and get tips for improvement based on your outcome.
According to Gallup, 53 percent of employees are not engaged on the job, meaning they show up, do the minimum and aren’t cognitively or emotionally connected to their work. Where do your workplace habits fall? This short quiz will give you an impression of where you stand as an employee. At the end, we share advice for how you can be more engaged at work, setting up your career for a higher trajectory.
1. On an average business day, you wrap up work:
a. Right after your boss leaves
b. Near the time the office closes
c. When the clock strikes quitting time
d. When your priority work items are finished
2. A new employee is hired in your department. Your initial reaction is:
a. To feel ambivalent
b. To feel threatened
c. To feel unchanged
d. To feel curious
3. You sometimes pass time at work by:
a. Periodically checking social media
b. Chatting with co-workers about office politics
c. Chatting on Facebook or shopping online
d. Inquiring if co-workers need help on projects
4. You finally wrap up a huge work project, and your boss isn’t happy with it. What do you do next?
a. Show it to co-workers with the aim of getting second opinions on its quality
b. Start over from scratch and hurry to finish a better version
c. Move on to the next project
d. Meet with your boss to go over the project and what needs to be fixed
5. How do you treat your co-workers?
a. As professionals with personal lives separate from your own
b. As your competitors, to some degree, for upper-level positions
c. As friendly confidants and good happy-hour partners once or twice a week
d. As collaborators who can support what you bring to the table
Thank you for taking this brief evaluation. Please total your answers. Proceed to the section below to learn your results, and what kind of employee you are.
If you chose mostly A
You may be a bit more focused on impressing your co-workers and superiors. While striving to impress is not a bad thing, doing so openly and without cultivating friendships and showing kindness can alienate co-workers and pigeonhole your office persona.
Tip: Bring your voice to the table when you have important ideas, problems or questions. And, while it is beneficial to appeal to your superiors, you may benefit just as much from being a team player with your co-workers.
If you chose mostly B
You may be a bit too understated in the workplace, working harder than you have to and not taking credit for it. Be sure that others are aware of how hard you work, but go about making this clear in a humble manner. Perhaps this is copying the right name on the right email, or simply mentioning that you helped with a certain successful project when it arises in conversation.
Tip: Be a bit more assertive in the workplace. Let your superiors know you can handle bigger things.
If you chose mostly C
You may be shirking some of your professional duties. It’s OK to have fun, be social and go out for a drink or two after work. But be sure you take care of your daily tasks with the same rigor you would expect from one of your current or future employees.
Tip: If you produce and treat people well in the office, you have will some leeway for socializing.
If you chose mostly D
You likely fall on the “good employee” end of the continuum. Your answers indicate that you are a conscientious, balanced employee. Never forget, though, that you can always improve.
Tip: Meet with your supervisor and identify your weak points. Turn these weak points into strengths over time, increasing your skills and value.