Are you doing your part to maintain a great team and cultivate talent? Answer a few simple questions and find out.
The art of managing employees is a vital workplace skill. Yes, if you manage employees well, they will likely feel better about themselves and enjoy work more. But the effects of your adept management will ripple elsewhere: to your team’s productivity, to their ability to solve problems on their own, to your work life and to how your department benefits the company as a whole. Being a good manager is good for all parties.
The following questionnaire will evaluate your managerial acumen. Choose the answers from the question sets below that come closest to your general philosophy.
1. How often do you consider your employees' personal fulfillment?
a. Sometimes
b. Often
c. Never
2. Do you expect the same level of achievement from all your employees?
a. No
b. Yes
c. Sometimes
3. How long does your average employee stay at your company?
a. 2 years or less
b. More than 2 years
c. 1 year or less
4. Most employees are generally replaceable in what they do.
a. Yes
b. No
c. It depends on what they do
5. When asked at social events if you like your job, what is your internal response?
a. Most of the time
b. Yes
c. Not really
6. Do you appreciate team member input — solicited or unsolicited — into what can be improved in the workplace?
a. No. More senior employees generally have a better sense of what the company needs.
b. Yes. I am open to feedback, even if that feedback may not be useful.
c. Sometimes or it depends
Thank you for taking our brief evaluation. Please total your answers. Proceed to the section below to learn your results, and what kind of manager you are.
If you chose mostly A
You likely have room for improving your management style.
If you picked predominantly “A,” you may have some room to improve as a manager. You don’t have to love your job, of course, but there are a few things that would make your job easier, as well as the jobs of your team members (which, in turn, makes your job easier still). Taking into account the various strengths, needs and dreams of your team members will allow you to better understand your employees, making adjustments where needed and taking advantage of variable skill sets.
Understanding your employees is the true key to managing them as best you can. You may want to consider taking team members out for one-on-one coffees, or for lunch, to get a better sense of who they are.
If you chose mostly B
You are likely a strong manager.
If you picked predominantly “B,” you are likely a good manager who is in touch with the skills and fluid needs of employees. Your team probably enjoys working for you. Perhaps, though, you can hold periodic check-in meetings to ensure that this is the case, or remains the case, in the months and years ahead. Check-ins will also enable you to get feedback, to identify possible areas of improvement — so that you may get even better.
If you chose mostly C
You show promise and have the potential to grow.
If you picked predominantly “C,” you are likely a manager who has positive tendencies, but also room to grow. The frenetic demands of the workplace often cause managers to view employees as the sum of their work. It is important to remember that employees, just like your friends and family, are people with needs and dreams. Though they are not in charge, their opinions matter, and they may have insights that can make a difference. Thoughtfully attending to their needs can reap chemistry, productivity and happiness rewards.