Bobcat Alumni

Photo of the Bobcat Honorary standing in a single file line smiling in front of Old Main.

Bobcat Senior Honorary is an organization that evokes pride, honor, and tradition. Since 1922, 13 outstanding seniors have been chosen each year to continue the legacy of serving the University of Arizona. Acceptance into Bobcats is a life-long commitment of support and service to the university and the Bobcat organization.

The purpose of the Bobcat Alumni community is to encourage all members of the Bobcats to be "Eternally Vigilant" in support of the university, to strengthen the organization by organizing events for Bobcat alumni, and to oversee the activities of the Bobcat Senior Honorary.


Angie Johnson Ballard, Bobcat Class of 1997


Spring 2025 Events

Bobcat Senior Honorary Application

Learn more about Bobcat Senior Honorary Applications by visiting our student website through the link below.


All Bobcats are being called upon to help support the Bobcats organization with some level of financial contribution. As part of our "Eternal Vigilance" pledge, our organization should be the model of giving financially to the university. 

While individual circumstance dictates the level of giving, we recommend each member of Bobcats pledge to give at least $113 annually as a contribution to help support the efforts of the 13 undergraduate Bobcats and their mission to serve the university in various capacities.


A.L. Slonaker Award: Presented to an individual who has distinguished himself/herself though outstanding service and loyalty to the University of Arizona and achieving a professional career of distinction. The individual also must be a Bobcat or Honorary Bobcat. 

Honorary Bobcat: Nominees for Honorary Bobcat should be graduates or employees (graduates or not) of the University of Arizona. The nominee should be someone who has given excellent service, has made a significant contribution and brought honor or recognition to our alma mater, and who you believe will make the commitment to our motto of "Eternal Vigilance."

Alumni Advisory Board

President - Angie Ballard Johnson '97
Vice President - Phoebe Chalk Wadsworth ‘99
Treasurer - Ryan Harper '04
Bobcat Alumni Awards - Devin Gregory Wimberly '13
Mike Myers '88
Doug Kunath, '98
Lloyd Fox '89
Kent Rollins '85
Flip May '80
Emily May DePaul '13
Matt Myers '22
Earl Mendenhall '77
Gilbert Davidson '97
Undergraduate Bobcat President - Alec Vendetti '25

Ex Officio
Bobcat Advisor - Jill Hall ‘14


Please contact Angie Ballard at for more information or to become more involved.