Feb. 22, 1922
Founded for the purpose of preserving the unity and welfare of the University of Arizona by always being alert to guide it in the right direction.
"Eternal Vigilance"
A Bobcat's first loyalty is to the University of Arizona, therefore "Eternal Vigilance" is their motto.
An open, frank, sincere and unbiased group that knows no party lines, harbors no petty jealousies and idolizes the person who has the welfare of the University of Arizona at heart.
Apply to be a Bobcat
All applications and materials to be a part of the 2025 – 2024 Bobcat class are due no later than 1:13 p.m. on February 22, 2025.
Follow Bobcat Honorary on Instagram
Stay up to date with Bobcat activities and initiatives.
Alumni Advisory Board
President - Angie Ballard Johnson '97
Vice President - Phoebe Chalk Wadsworth ‘99
Treasurer - Ryan Harper '04
Bobcat Alumni Awards - Devin Gregory Wimberly '13
Mike Myers '88
Doug Kunath, '98
Lloyd Fox '89
Kent Rollins '85
Flip May '80
Emily May DePaul '13
Matt Myers '22
Earl Mendenhall '77
Gilbert Davidson '97
Undergraduate Bobcat President - Alec Vendetti '25
Ex Officio
Bobcat Advisor - Jill Hall ‘14
Bobcat Alumni
Bobcat Alumni, we invite you to visit our alumni page for details about our alumni Facebook group and opportunities to support our philanthropic efforts.