Alumni of the Year Frequently Asked Questions

Explore the frequently asked questions below regarding communications, save the dates, invitations, RSVPs, the VIP Reception, and the Award Ceremony.


Designated college AOY contact, and lead DO will be CC’d on all communications the central team has with the award recipient.

Save the Dates/Invitations/RSVPs

Save the dates are scheduled to be distributed by late October. Award winners will receive a physical save the date with information about the Award Ceremony. Campus partners, and faculty will receive an electronic save the date only for the Award Ceremony.

Invitations are scheduled to be mailed to the award winners by mid-January. Their invitation will include details regarding Award Ceremony and reception. Printed invitations will be available to colleges to pick up at the Swede Johnson Building, 3rd floor. Electronic invitations with the Award Ceremony details only will be sent to campus partners to share with their invited guests.

The award recipient can forward the electronic invite and/or register on their behalf.

The award recipient can email Lisa directly at with their guest names or the designated college contact can submit guest names on their behalf.

All recipients must RSVP through the link provided in the invitation.

All guests who have registered can be viewed by searching the event’s lookup ID in Lynx.

Award Ceremony & Reception

Each college will be allocated 10 seats for the ceremony. Award recipients were informed that they could invite up to 8 guests. Colleges will decide who to invite beyond the initial 8 guests, and additional seats or tables can be purchased for $60 each.